~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Please listen to my playlist at the bottom of the blog!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tara's Graduation and Flat Stanley

     We drove a few slightly sunny hours south on Sunday to attend a family B-B-Q and school ceremony for my daughter-in-law-to-be, Tara Mathers. The meal was at her family's cozy cabin with lots of great food and new people. 
     Tara opened gifts (including a laptop, DVDs, and a gift card from Murdochs) and smiled for a barrage of pictures.

     High School graduation is such a wonderfully satisfying milestone! The next red-letter day will be her wedding, July 23rd. Our son, Eric, also has it highlighted - he will be marrying Tara, his very best friend and wife for life.

     Anyone heard of Flat Stanley? He came to visit a while ago and went to work

with Eric at a local horse ranch,

with Matt and Mitch at a land clearing job,

and with Nora to Glacier Park.

     Stanley had a terrific time and returned to Caleb Janssen's school (grandson in CA) to tell of his epic adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice :) Looking forward to more posts... You are like Alaina and have a gift for writing!
